AdP Internacional present in the seminar on the theme ONEE WWTP sludge valorization
AdP International participated as a speaker in the seminar organized by ONEE (Office National de l'Electricité et de l'Eau Potable) in Morocco on the 6th December 2016 on the theme ONEE WWTP sludge valorization.
The AdP participation was carried out under the cooperation agreement between ONEE and AdP, signed in July 2016, with the objective of implementing a joint Action Plan on common areas of interest between the two
For the implementation of the Action Plan, ONEE requested the AdP expertise in two areas of the cooperation agreement:
a) The flood problem in the city of Essaouira due to the rejection of rainwater in the sea and
b) Management of the sludge final destination from the ONEE WWTP. In addition to participating in the seminar, AdP will host in January 2017, a Delegation from ONEE, to visit treatment and final destination sludge units, in Portugal.
Posted to: 12 of January of 2017