Águas de Portugal joined the “Leading Utilities of the World”

Águas de Portugal joined the “Leading Utilities of the World”

The AdP Group - Águas de Portugal has been invited to join the “Leading Utilities of the World” (LUOW) network that brings together those water sector service companies (utilities) that stand out at the global level for their high levels of performance and capacities for innovation.

In order to join this network, the nominated utilities need to have publicly launched distinctive projects in at least three of the 14 LUOW fields of potential innovation. At the 2019 joining ceremony for new members, which took place in London at the Global Water Summit 2019, Alexandra Serra, Director of Águas de Portugal Internacional, presented the case studies of success of the AdP Group in the fields of information technology and smart water; responses to climate change and energy efficiency.

The “Leading Utilities of the World” currently brings together 41 utilities. 

In addition to Águas de Portugal, 2019 saw invitations to join the network extended to four other companies: Berliner Wasserbetriebe (Germany); DEWA (United Arab Emirates); SIAAP (France) and Yarra Valley Water (Australia).

Posted to: 29 of May of 2019