Twinning Partnership Program between the State Amelioration and Water Management Committee (SAWMC) and AdP International

Client: Asian Development Bank
Country: Azerbaijan
Summary: O twinning entre a State Amelioration and Water Management Committee (SAWMC) e a AdP Internacional visou promover a troca de conhecimentos entre as duas empresas nas áreas de Operação e Manutenção e Gestão de Ativos. Estabeleceram-se metodologias para a implementação faseada de Planos específicos nestas vertentes por forma a capacitar a SAWMC enquanto entidade gestora sustentável a nível dos serviços de abastecimento de água e saneamento.
The twinning partnership program aimed to promote know-how transfer between the State Amelioration and Water Management Committee (SAWMC) and AdP International in the operation and maintenance and asset management areas. Methodologies for the implementation of operation and maintenance and asset management plans have been proposed, to enable SAWMC to become a more sustainable management entity with regard to its water supply and sanitation services.