We foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement to deliver better products and services

Some innovation and R&D projects in progress with the participation of the AdP Group, under the H2020 (European Union):

Development of a management and support platform for innovative decision based on 5 modules: predictive, hydraulic simulation, losses, evaluation and optimization

Portable monitoring of three types of human enteric viruses in different places and for different applications, particularly in the treated wastewater.
 undefined Development of a platform for the management of Water Safety Plans in order to expedite the detection and response in events of potential contamination


Demonstration of the sustainability of the application of water treatment solutions by membranes, in view of the creation of barriers for the removal of micropollutants


Reducing the uncertainty of short-term climate predictions and development of adaptation strategies in key sectors

Solution that combines on-line sensors with monitoring and control technologies, in order to optimize the operation of the WWTP.